Although Eastside Eats did not attend (thinking you've got to be a bit sadistic if you want to get ridiculed by Gordon?), but heard there was a pretty decent turn-out at Kirkland's Sur La Table. Of the many hopefuls, four Seattle food personalities have made the cut and are moving on to the next round of auditions. Since starting Eastside Eats, I have had a chance to immerse myself in the Seattle food blogosphere and it seems like Ramsay's casting agents did a good job. They selected Seattle Food Geek Scott Heimendinger, Leslie Kelly of Whining and Dining and the PI, Linda Miller Nicholson who writes the Salty Seattle blog, and last but not least Mark Schermerhorn, who by all accounts doesn't have a blog, although he does Twitter!
By trying to decipher Mark's twitter feed it looks like the four MasterChef hopefuls had a follow-up interview with the casting people on January 11th, but have yet to hear anything back. Good Luck to everyone!
Update: For those interested in a closer, first person report from the auditions, check out Leslie Kelly's post this afternoon on the Serious Eats blog detailing her experience.
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